French Island Community Association
Tankerton PO
French Island
Victoria 3921
Contact FICA secretary
A new tennis court was opened next to the Cricket Club and Community Hall in 2006.
The court is available for free and users should wear appropriate footwear with a
non-coloured sole. The French Island General Store sells tennis balls but
does not sell or hire out tennis racquets.
The French Island Community Hall, located on Tankerton Rd, is the meeting place for most events
and is available for hire. Please contact Dianne Spark on 5980 1208 for further information.
The Perseverance Primary School, located on Centre Rd, is the only school on the island,
the last of four primary schools established on French Island in the 20th century. Because
of its unusual circumstances, the school is exempt from the State's minimum pupil
requirements and therefore has one of the best child/teacher ratios in Australia today.
It is administered via the Crib Point Primary School.
For enrolment forms, to volunteer at the school, and for more information, contact
Crib Point Primary School or contact the
school directly on 5980 1276.
Parks Victoria maintains the building at the end of the jetty near the car park,
and the surrounding area, including the boat ramp. It provides tourist information
including a detailed map of French Island, a kiosk and two toilets.
For kiosk opening times and information on services provided, including bicycle hire,
phone the French Island General Store on 5980 1209.